해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Motobilt ARB Air Locker Compressor Mount for JL/JLU/JT

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상품구분 Automotive / Replacement Parts
브랜드 Brand: Generic
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $89.93
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This product will not work with 4XE models
If you’re in need of a convenient, secure and hidden mount for your ARB Air Locker Compressor, then this is the solution for you. ‌This sturdy compressor mount utilizes existing factory threaded studs on the firewall located just below the brake booster on the driver side inner fender area. This product is designed to fit ARB Air Compressor models CKMA12 & CKSA12. The mount orients the ARB air locker compressor so air lines are easily accessible behind the inner fender & wiring is quick to connect. ‌The mount is constructed from heavy gauge steel to ensure the ARB air locker compressor will be fully supported and rattle free. Included is an optional aluminum heat shield bracket to deflect heat from the exhaust header, allowing your compressor to operate more efficiently. We’ve even built in slots for zip ties to provide a clean & professional wiring installation. This product is compatible with all model years of JL, JLU & JT Gladiator vehicles. We provide detailed assembly instructions for a fast install. This product ships as bare metal. NOTE: Diesel Models and the JL 392 will require omitting the factory windshield washer tank from the front inner wheel opening. We do offer a relocation tank for the diesel which can be purchased separately. This product will not work with 4XE models.

2024-02-13 15:19:09

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