해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Definitive Technology Dymension DM70 Large Tower Speaker, with Adjustable Bipolar Arrays, 4 BDSS Mid/Bass Woofers & Tweeter, 3XR Architecture with 10" Subwoofer, Dolby Atmos/DTS:X Ready, Black

상품번호 B0BT3QT51M
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상품가격 $1,200.40
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LARGE TOWER SPEAKER FOR ROOM-FILLING AUDIO - The Definitive Technology Dymension DM70 Tower Speaker features (4) 5.25" long-throw BDSS midrange woofers and a tweeter that delivers rich, detailed sound with ultra-clear speech and unmatched realismFULLY BALANCED, ADJUSTABLE BIPOLAR ARRAY - Featuring Definitive Technology’s signature fully-balanced, adjustable bipolar arrays with front and back focusing speakers, the floorstanding speaker fills the room with multi-directional, truly enveloping soundBIG BASS IMPACT, FRONT & CENTER - The speaker has (2) 3XR-optimized passive radiators and an integrated 10” powered subwoofer with Class D 180W Amplification for full-range performance with superior vocal clarity and maximum bass impactBUILD A COMPLETE HOME THEATER SYSTEM - The large tower speaker is timbre-matched to other Dymension series speakers. Add the DM30 center channel speaker and DM90 height channel speakers (sold separately) for an Atmos/DTS:X-ready surround sound systemPATENTED TECHNOLOGIES - This speaker has a Patented Linear Response Waveguide that extends off-axis dispersion for total sonic immersion. To get deep-bass performance, it has Intelligent Bass Control that blends subwoofer output with mids and highsMINIMALISTIC, ELEGANT DESIGN – It is easy to integrate the DM70 into any room setting. Includes cabinet foot spikes/pads to place and level the speaker on any floor surface. As soon as you dim the lights, it virtually disappears into your roomTOP-NOTCH SPEAKER SERIES - The Definitive Technology Dymension series includes a range of high-performance center-channel, floor-standing, bipolar tower, surround sound, and on-wall speakers to deliver the best-in-class audio through any home audio system
Level up your home theater audio with the Definitive Technology Dymension DM70 Large Tower Speaker - a bipolar floorstanding speaker with an integrated subwoofer that features dual bass radiators, four BDSS mid/bass woofers, and tweeters for unrivaled sound. DM70\'s bipolar arrays are adjusted to optimize for room placement and hold a rear-array attenuation switch for near-wall placement. The 3XR Architecture combines an integrated 10” subwoofer powered by a Class D 180W amplifier and two passive radiators in this speaker. Its four 5.25" mid/bass BDSS woofers for superior midrange detail and custom aluminum oxide tweeter provide a smooth extended response with crisp transients and exceptional definition. To get deep-bass performance, it has a Patented Intelligent Bass Control that blends subwoofer output with mids and highs. This speaker also has a Patented Linear Response Waveguide that extends off-axis dispersion for total sonic immersion. Be it an onscreen movie drama or hearing the sonic details while gaming, this tower speaker always performs to the best of its caliber. The consistent sound across Definitive Technology gives you the flexibility to mix and match Dymension, Dymension CI, and Mythos speakers, which can be voice-matched to design a complete home system.

2025-01-07 05:28:14

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