해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
XFCA Floor Repair Kit,Laminate Hardwood Vinyl Floor Repair Kit with Heat Pen DIY Manual Floor Furniture Touch Up Marker Wood Floor Wax Cover Lvp Scratches,Cracks,Holes for Cabinet,Table,Door

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상품가격 $20.65
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?Professional Furniture Floor Repair Kit:Wood floor repair kit is made of safe resin,the hard wax is quick-drying,waterproof and wear-resistant,XFCA floor repair kit are strong repair capabilities,hardwood floor Repair Kit repairs scratches,stains,holes,cracks,and uneven or curved surfaces on vinyl,laminate flooring,cabinet,door,bed,table,meeting your repair needs. Renew your favorite furniture/floor!?Wood Repiar Kit Easy to Use: You just need to clean the repair area and keep it dry, choose a similar color hard wax, blend the hard wax into the repair area, slightly full, wait for 5-10 seconds, and use a scraper to level the surface. If desired you can draw the wood grain with a marker. Ditch the complicated repair kits and just our this laminate floor repair kit for a quick fix without the wait!?Wood Floor Repair Kits in 11 Colors :Vinyl floor repair kit includes 11 wood colors and 5 colors of furniture touch up markers, when the colors don\'t match you can match your wood furniture by mixing the colors, DIY manual floor furniture repair kit makes repair more fun!?Wax Melter Upgrade:You don\'t need to hold down the button all the time, from "OFF" to "ON", the melting waxer will start to heat up, and after switching from "ON" to "OFF", the melting waxer will go out, easy to use,it\'s all perfect for hard wax.???100% after-sales satisfaction:We support 90 days worry-free refund and 3 years free replacement, without return, if you have any questions about the color, please contact us, we will provide free color matching service.

2024-05-15 06:54:56

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