해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Garage Storage Organization Sports Equipment Organizer Ball Rack Outdoor Rolling Cart with Baskets Hooks and Wheels,Black

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상품가격 $67.99
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【Sturdy and Durable】Our ball storage rack is made of high-quality metal, which is not easy to rust and corrosion。This home gym storage rack is very suitable for saving space, its simple design can also be easily integrated into various decoration styles, and make your house look tidy and efficient.【Removable】Our gym equipment storage cart comes with 4 lockable wheels, which not only means you can easily move it anywhere and lock it up without damaging your floors but these 4 heavy duty 360-degree wheels Will not affect the load-bearing of the storage rack.【Multifunctional Sports Equipment Organizer】 This rolling storage rack features 4 tier shelves with wire mesh, ideal to store sports gears like baseballs, gloves, basketballs, jacket and more. With removable storage hooks, you can store baseball cap, helmet, racket all in one storage stand.【Easy to Assemble】This Storage Organizer Comes with Detailed Instructions,Making Installation a Breeze.with the Help of the Instruction Manual Included in the Checklist, You Will Enjoy the Ease of Installing Your Entire Garage Sports Organizer.【Customer Service】If there is any question with our product or service, please feel free to contact us. We are always here to provide professional solution for you.

2024-06-05 16:08:15

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