해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
100 Pack Aluminum Mini Loaf Baking Pans, 1 Lb Heavy Duty Disposable Loaf Pans, 6 x 3.5” Thick Foil Bread Pans for Baking Holiday Treats Food Storage and Takeout

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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Kitchen & Dining
브랜드 Brand: MOACOCK
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $15.99
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BORNED FOR SMALL LOAF BREAD: Add these little loaf pans for making your holiday bread. You can make them and add favorite flavors. Great kitchen tool for Christmas gift baking and holiday treats such as banana bread, meatloaf, and also delicious cakes.HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM MADE: The disposable loaf pans are made of durable aluminum foil, which can evenly distribute heat and retain its shape out of the oven hot temperature! This pan can support heavy bread without bending, breaking, or sagging.OVER-VALUED PACK OF 100: You are getting 100pcs mini loaf baking pans that can be used to bake bread in many times or bake many loaves of bread at once. Enough quantity for your various needs. Serve bread for your family and friends with this clean and cute loaf pans.PERFECT SIZE TO CARRY OUT: Good mini loaf pan size measures at 6x3.5”, portable for take-out while being thick and sturdy. Perfect size for making single serve lasagna, banana bread and gift-giving. Enjoy making many delicious cakes or loaves of bread with this bakeware.ELIMINATING CLEANING TASK: Thanks to its disposable design, this pan makes event clean up a breeze. Simply throw it away after use though bread loaf pan can be reusable. No more time wasted scrubbing away at individual loaf pans! Plus, it serves as portable packaging for baked goods.
Moacock Aluminum Mini Loaf Baking Pans Every home baker knows that a loaf pan is essential to a bakeware collection. Instead of silicone or metal ones, our disposable aluminum mini loaf pans are the best choice for effortless baking. Allowing you to better focus on bread baking without trouble of cleaning. High Quality: Moacock Aluminum Foil Loaf Baking Pans are made of high quality aluminum material, durable and can be reused. Our foil loaf pans are temperature resistant. Safe for oven, broiler, freezer, and microwave. OVER-VALUED PACK: Disposable loaf pans are perfect in size and enough quantities for giving out to family and friends. Must-have Kitchen Supplies: Mini loaf baking pans are must-have kitchen tools for any baking-equipped kitchen. Cleaning up of the foil bread containers are super easy. Either rinse it for next use or throw it away. Multifunctional Mini Loaf Pans are great to making banana bread, meatloaf, cheese cakes in holiday seasons, even serve, and store hot/ cold foods . Specifications: Name: Disposable Aluminum Bread Loaf Pans Material: Aluminum Capacity: 1lb Dimension: 6x3.5x2 Inches Package Includes: 100 Pack

2024-07-11 17:05:34

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