해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Viltrox 75mm F1.2 PRO APS-C Auto Focus Camera Lens for Fujifilm FX X-T4 X-T5 X-T20 X-T30 X-H2S X-Pro3 Fuji X Mount Cameras Lens (75mm F1.2)

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상품가격 $580.00
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Born for F1.2 Large Aperture: The super large aperture of F1.2 opens up more possibilities in the drak night, with a higher shutter speed and a lower ISO.Phenomenal Sharpe Image Quality Experience: With 16 lens elements in 11 groups, 4 high-refractive index lenses, the image quality is still unmatched at maximum aperture, and the all details are reflected in the picture immediately.Excellent Low Light Performance: Excellent Low Light Performance: With higher shutter speed and lower ISO in low-light environment. it makes video shooting more creative and expressive.Low Dispersion Sharp and High Image Quality: VILTROX\'s ingenious optical design, a higher level of high-definition nano-multilayer coating, every detail is carefully taken into consideration, the chromatic aberration suppression is outstanding, and APO level dispersion correction is also the best.Ultra High Resolution Beyond Imagination: The VILTROX 75mm F1.2 has resolution and restoration capabilities, with sharp imagig and amazing consistency from edge to center.Excellent Autofocus Outstanding Performance: The bulit-in lastest algorithm STM stepping motor provides the high driving force required for precises autofocus and tracking focus. It can also achieve fast, smooth, precise and quiet autofocus and tracking nuder extremely shallow depth of field. It also supports eye auto focus, animal focus and other recognition. Provide better response, lower latency and vibration.

2024-07-11 06:55:13

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