해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
L’il Critters CoComelon Daily Gummy Multivitamin for Kids, 190 gummies

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상품가격 $10.98
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From L’il Critters, a pediatrician-recommended children\'s gummy multivitamin brandL’il Critters CoComelon Multivitamin for Kids helps support healthy growth and development*CoComelon gummies provide 11 essential nutrients including B vitamins and Vitamin A, C, D and E and come in yummy Cherry, Orange and Watermelon flavors so kids will want to take their daily multivitaminL’il Critters CoComelon vitamins contain no high-fructose corn syrup, no artificial sweeteners, no synthetic (FD&C) dyes, no dairy and no glutenDaily serving size for CoComelon multivitamin is 1 gummy a day for ages 2 to 3, and 2 gummies a day for ages 4 and up in one bottle of CoComelon Gummy Multivitamins containing 190 gummies
Add a dose of soooo yummy to your child’s daily routine with L’il Critters CoComelon Multivitamin gummies for kids. L’il Critters is a pediatrician-recommended children\'s gummy multivitamin brand. Parents, guardians and caretakers can trust that their kids are getting healthy nutrition in a delicious gummy kids will love. Kid’s CoComelon gummy multivitamins provide 11 essential nutrients to help support healthy growth and development, including Vitamin A, B-6, B-12, C, D and E.* CoComelon gummies come in delicious Cherry, Orange and Watermelon flavors in fun CoComelon shapes. Little kids can do big things when they start each day with CoComelon gummy vitamins—the daily serving is 1 gummy vitamin a day for ages 2-3, and 2 gummies a day for ages 4 and up. Best of all, L’il Critters CoComelon Multivitamins give them key nutrients without anything extra because what’s in our gummies is as important as what’s not! Cocomelon kids vitamins have no artificial sweeteners, no high-fructose corn syrup, no synthetic (FD&C) dyes, no gluten and no dairy. L’il Critters is the fun that gets it done. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

2024-09-04 21:03:12

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