해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
100PCS Magnetic Tiles STEM Building Toys Set with 2 Cars, Sensory Stacking Magnetic Blocks for Toddlers & Kids, Ideal for Preschool Montessori Toys Christmas Birthday Gifts for Boys & Girls Ages 3+

상품번호 B0BVVF6V1S
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Novelty & Gag Toys
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상품가격 $49.99
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100PCS Magnetic Tiles Advanced Set - If you\'re looking to spark some creativity in your child\'s playtime, look no further than our 100PCS magnetic tiles set! Boasting a generous quantity of magnetic tiles, this set is perfect for building anything from small houses to large castles and imaginative structures. And the fun doesn\'t stop there - two magnetic cars are included in the set, perfect for driving around kids\' creations and letting their imaginations run wild.Safe & Compatible - Coodoo magnetic tiles are made of safe and durable Food-grade ABS plastic. A smooth surface and round edge design won\'t scratch or hurt little hands. The magnetic blocks are sealed to keep the tiles from breaking or swallowing. What\'s more, these tiles are designed in standard sizes that make them compatible with other leading brands, you can expand and complement your existing tiles with this pack to collect every shape in every color! More tiles, more fun.STEM Montessori & Sensory Toys - Coodoo magnetic tiles are open-ended kids\' toys that grow with your kids and provide both fun and educational benefits. They can be used to develop a range of STEM-related skills, including pattern recognition, and problem-solving, while also providing sensory play experiences. These tiles can assist with sensory integration and therapy, as well as in developing fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and spatial reasoning.Educational Tools - Classroom must-haves like Coodoo magnetic tiles encourage creativity and improve problem-solving skills. This set is a great tool for parents looking for a fun and educational way to bond with their little ones or for teachers seeking teaching aids that will keep their students engaged and motivated. Perfect for preschool or kindergarten classrooms as teacher classroom supplies.Great as Gifts - Whether you\'re looking for birthday gifts for your kids, or gifts for your kids at Christmas, this set is an incredible option and will be a hit with kids of all ages! So why wait? Give your kids the gift of education and entertainment with our magnetic tiles today! Perfect back to school gifts for boys & girls ages 3+.

2024-09-05 12:08:42

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