해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BYFWH Baby Spin Stack Toy,Premium Stacking Toy for Kids,Baby Spinning Toy,Stacking Toy for Babies and Toddlers,Educational Toddler Learning Toys,Autism Spin Stack Toys,Rainbow Spinning Wheel Toys

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상품가격 $13.59
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Creative Stacking Toys:BYFWH spinning toys for toddlers 1-3 are ingenious and creative in design, the Rainbow tower consists of a spiral rod, a reversible base and six disks of different sizes.Each disk has 2 colors and can be rotated any way. Colorful, fun, charming features will be a baby can not put down, spin stacking toy very suitable for children over 1 year old.Fantastic Fun Time:Children can arrange the disks by size, color, shape or random, after the spinning toy is stacked, pull out the rod from the base, and the turntable will automatically rotate and land to enjoy more wonderful stacking fun. It is also possible to flip the base of spinner toy to set the shake or fix, or to hold the rod at either end and rotate the disc up and down endlessly.Enlightenment Learning Toys:With rich colors, vivid textures and mesmerizing whirling movements, this fantastic spinning stacking toy allows children to learn while staying away from technology and screens. During play, children can practice color recognition and tactile exploration, improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills of the hand.Durable & Child Friendly:The stacking toys for toddlers 1-3 is made of high-quality and solid ABS plastic, BPA-free and the baby spinning toy has passed the strict safety test. The coated plastic is comfortable to touch and the spin stacking toy ergonomically designed to fit securely and comfortably on children\'s hands without scratches.Innovative and Interesting Gifts:Stackable toys for toddlers 1-3 is a new stacked science and education toy, designed for children\'s early enlightenment learning, The child is always happy and enjoys it. The stacking toy can be used by girls and boys aged 1 and above, Give this interesting gift to your child and carry out a great family activity for this purpose, in which everyone can make connections.

2024-05-15 09:34:46

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