해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Swann 4K Home Security Camera System, 8 Channel NVR with 2TB, 8 Indoor Outdoor Bullet & Dome IP Cameras, PoE Wired, Video Analytics, 2-Way Audio, Sirens, Color Night Vision, True Detect, 889804B4D

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상품가격 $1,057.99
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Swann 4K Ultra HD NVR Security Camera System: Enjoy 4X greater clarity than 1080P with the Swann 8MP security camera kits. It offers high-resolution surveillance for professionals. The 8-channel NVR provides 2TB storage to never miss a moment. Monitor your entire property with 8 IP cameras, delivering clear video footage indoors and outdoors.Smart Video Analytics and SwannForce Technology: Benefit from advanced smart video analytics that can detect and alert you to any suspicious activity via face recognition, person and vehicle detection, and so on. The SwannForce technology features red and blue flashing lights, sensor spotlights, and sirens to deter potential intruders.Color Night Vision and True Detect Motion Detection: See clearly in total darkness up to 130ft/40m and up to 32ft/10m in color with Sensor Light. Heat and motion detection minimizes false alarms. With Swann\'s 24/7 surveillance system, your property is continuously monitored day and night.Easy PoE Setup and 2-Way Audio: Simplify installation with the easy Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) setup, eliminating the need for separate power cables. The system also features 2-way audio, enabling you to communicate with people on the other end using compatible devices.Smart Compatibility and IP66 Weatherproof : Keep an eye on your property from anywhere with the Swann Security App. Speak to see via Hey Google and Alexa. With a weatherproof rating, they can withstand challenging weather conditions, ensuring reliable performance indoors and outdoors.

2024-05-17 00:08:37

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