해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Entryway Bench, Farmhouse Indoor Entry Way Shoe Benches Seat, Industrial Metal Shoe Storage Bench Organizer for Living Room, Bedroom, Hallway (Rustic Oak)

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상품가격 $125.99
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【Relieve Tiredness Here】:Assuming you can sit down and change your shoes instead of jumping around with one leg and putting them on. Why don\'t you sit comfortably on this shoe stool and dress your feet? Afterwards, place your high heels and leather shoes on a lower shelf. Let exhaustion come to an end and enjoy it after work.【Practical 3-layer Storage Compartment】:The top of the entryway bench can easily accommodate 2-3 adults to sit down and change shoes together. The middle space is more than enough to place 3 pairs of adult shoes, and the 5.2In height at the bottom can be stored weight scale and sweeping robot.【Easily Carrying 2-3 Adults Simultaneously】:Built from sturdy 1.57 inch a strong steel frame and premium grade particle board. The sloping metal legs design make the bench more quite safe and stable that not easy to deform, and it can bear 500 lbs easily without shaking. A nice choice for industrial and chic home style.【Wide Application for Your Room】:This simple Shoe Bench with industrial-inspired details and simplicity clean lines, makes your space look more neat, generous. It can be used as shoe rack for entryway, coffee table for living room, bed end storage bench for bedroom, sofa rack, plant rack and so on. Furthermore The waterproof material makes it easier for you to maintain and clean.【The Manual is Easy to Read】:It’s very minimal assembly effort required. Necessary hardware and instruction provided, it generally takes only a little time to assemble this stylish modern storage bench. Dimensions: 47” W x 14” D x 18” H Inch. We promise 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee, Worry-Free-3 Month Quality Warranty and Friendly Customer Service.

2024-05-15 20:48:24

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