해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SAMSUNG 65-Inch Class Crystal UHD CU7000 Series PurColor, Object Tracking Sound Lite, Q-Symphony, 4K Upscaling, HDR, Gaming Hub, Smart TV with Alexa Built-in (UN65CU7000, 2023 Model)

상품번호 B0BW12GBSN
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상품가격 $574.69
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PURCOLOR: See a wider spectrum of colors than traditional RGB models with PurColor; From green turf to an amazing sunset, you’ll enjoy true-to-life picture quality with our innovative color technologyCRYSTAL PROCESSOR W/ 4K UPSCALING: Watch the content you love upgraded to dazzling 4K resolution; You’ll be able to better enjoy your TV’s capabilities as the Crystal Processor automatically transforms color, sound and moreMEGA CONTRAST: See more detail as our Mega Contrast analyzes and adjusts each image; Every frame appears more natural, and a feeling of depth is added as contrast is dialed up in the foregroundHDR: Take in an impressive spectrum of colors and fine details, even in the darkest scenes; Brightness and contrast are automatically dialed into their ideal levels in every frame so you can see your content as it’s meant to be seenOBJECT TRACKING SOUND LITE: Get in the mix with Object Tracking Sound Lite; You’ll hear 3D surround sound that follows the movement on screen using our incredible virtual top channel audioQ-SYMPHONY: With Q-Symphony, your TV speakers paired with Q-Series and S-Series soundbar operate as one; Together, they can optimize all the channels to bring you a masterfully orchestrated sound experience*SAMSUNG SMART TV HUB: Finding what everyone wants to watch is effortless with the easy-to-use Samsung Smart TV Hub; Movies, TV shows and games are all available on a home screen tailored to you**SAMSUNG GAMING HUB: Gaming comes together–bringing the best of console games, streaming games and more–all in one place; Get easier access to games, standalone apps and accessories, get recommendations for other games, adjust settings and more***
True-to-life color. Effortless connectivity. Dazzling 4K value. Samsung Crystal UHD is worth a look (and more). Effortlessly access TV shows, movies and ambient content using the Samsung Smart Hub, or find a range of great games on the Samsung Gaming Hub.*** Enjoy content even more clear than it was created as its upgraded to 4K resolution. Color and contrast are also improved with our PurColor and Contrast Enhancer technologies that instantly analyze and adjust what you see on screen. As all the visual details shine through, you’ll be surrounded by 3D sound that moves with the action, engaging all your senses. *Q-Series and S-Series soundbars sold separately. **Content services may vary by regions and are subject to change without notifications. ***High speed internet connection, additional gaming service subscriptions and compatible controller required.

2024-07-09 21:24:59

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