해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tapo 1080P Outdoor Wired Pan/Tilt Security Wi-Fi Camera, 360° View, Motion Tracking, Works with Alexa & Google Home, Night Vision, Free AI Detection, Cloud & SD Card Storage(up to 512GB), Tapo C500

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상품가격 $34.99
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360° Visual Coverage & 1080p Full HD Live View: Provides 360° horizontal & 130° vertical range to cover every corner. Reveals clear and sharp images with more details.Person Detection and Motion Tracking: Smart AI identifies a person while tracking motion with high-speed rotation, notifying users as needed.Night Vision (up to 98 ft): Ensures your safety by providing a clear visual distance of up to 98 ft even in total darkness.Physical Privacy Mode: Maintains your privacy with the lens physically blocked by the housing.Two-Way Audio w/ Customizable Sound Alarm: With high-quality microphone and speakers, activate 2-way audio, push-to-talk, anytime via the Tapo app. Additionally, record your customized audio as an alarm to extend your usages.Flexible Storage Choices: Save recorded videos to an installed microSD card(up to 512 GB, purchased separately), or use Tapo Care cloud storage service.
Do not miss a single spot with Tapo C500 for the ultimate home security. This outdoor wireless camera keeps your property secure both day and night. With its 360° Visual Coverage, this camera offers a panoramic view of your surroundings while its pan and tilt functionality allow you to remotely control the camera’s movement and view. Effortlessly track movement with intelligent motion tracking and the convenience of pan and tilt control. The camera intuitively follows objects in its view, while its fully customizable sound and light alarm system activates upon detecting suspicious activity, effectively deterring potential intruders. No blind spots will be left unchecked, providing all-round protection of your property. Even in low-light conditions, the IR Night Vision technology ensures nothing escapes your attention, displaying clearer vision during nighttime.

2024-05-16 19:57:59

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