해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
3 PCS Pencil Style Envelope Moistener - Stamp Envelope Moistener Mailing Letter Sealer Envelope Licker for Office Classroom, Clear

상품번호 B0BW8FD9GR
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브랜드 Brand: MGUTOD
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상품가격 $4.99
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Compact and Easy to Store: envelopes sealer moistener is 15 cm/ 6Inches in length, which fits easily into a briefcase, purses or desk drawers for easy access and use.Warm note: our tools do not contain water, you need to fill it yourselfBring You a Lot of Convenience: you do not need to endure the weird smell of sealant when licking envelopes, letter moistener offers easy application and enough moisture to seal our envelopesQuality Materiel: letter moistener sealer uses quality nylon brush head, after pouring in water, gently squeeze the pen body until the brush head comes out of water, and then it can be applied normally, equipped with a cover to ensure that there is no leakage of waterReusable: Can be reused many after pouring in clean water, safe and stable, simple and convenient to operate, and the squeezing force can control the size of the waterWide Uses: envelope and stamp moisteners can not only meet the needs of sealing envelopes in your daily life, but can also be applied when you need a mass of sealed letters or tickets, you can share with your family or friends, no need for mouth use, making your office and daily life easier
-- Envelope licker can be applied to the mailroom, the classroom, office and so on, bringing you a lot of convenience. -- Pencil style moistener is practical and portable, and you can send it to your friends who like to mail letters, which can save a lot of effort to heal the letter. How to use: 1.unscrew clockwise 2.pour water 3.turn it counterclockwise 4.Squeeze the pen to get the water out 5.smear the envelope. Specifications: Material: nylon brush head Color: white Size: 15.5 cm/ 6.1 Inches in length Package includes: 3 x Envelope moisteners Notes: Manual measurement, please allow slight errors on size. The color may exist slight difference due to different screen displays.

2024-02-13 22:48:42

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