해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Mens Sea Glass Ocean mix Necklace - Men Surfing Seaglass Waterproof, Hawaii Jewelry, Hawaiian Vibes, Women Cute Choker, Beach Aesthetic Accessories, African Ocean Recycle Bead, Summer (Light Aqua)

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상품구분 Handmade Products / Jewelry
브랜드 Visit the TEQUILA SUNRISE SHOP Store
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $21.00
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Sea Glass is well regarded as a symbol of renewal and healing, a metaphor for life. ... Many years before the advent of recycling and the availability of landfills, much of our trash, including glass, was discarded into our oceans and rivers, something hard to imagine today.YOU WILL RECEIVE: 1 (one) Sea Glass Adjustable NecklaceMATERIALS: Cord: 2mm Wax Cotton Cord (water friendly) - Premium Leather (non water friendly) / Pendant material: 1 Beads Recycled Glass / Color: Choose color from drop down menu / Size: 8-11 mmLENGTH & SIZE: All our Necklaces are made with sliding knots, opens from approx. 16"" to 32"" inches. If you need any special size don\'t hesitate on writing us or leaving a check out note. We will happily customize it for you!"* Perfect gift for each occasion: birthday, anniversary, first communion, boyfriend or girlfriend gift, valentines day, mother\'s day, and couple matching bracelets. Also enjoy our summer jewelry made with recycled and vegan materials.
Tequila Sunrise Shop: Each piece is handmade with love and care, we make each item to order taking care of each detail and ensuring that everything is done with the best possible quality. Our goal is to make every customer feel beautiful in their own skin by providing unique, high-quality, and affordable jewelry they can feel good about purchasing and wearing whenever they want. You will find the most beautiful spiritual and religious jewelry as well as healing crystals and gemstones.

2024-07-11 09:45:56

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국민은행   예금주: (주)카고맥스
고객센터 : 031-698-2301
상담가능시간 : 월요일 ~ 금요일 10:00 ~ 17:00
점심시간 : 12:00 ~ 13:00 / 토,일,공휴일 휴무
법인명 : (주)카고맥스 | 대표이사 : 허승철
사업자등록번호 : 501-87-00144 | 특별통관대상지정번호 : 20050101
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개인정보관리책임자 : 최정원 | 대표이메일 : cargomax2015@gmail.com
주소 : 서울시 금천구 가산동 371-17 비와이씨하이시티 C동 1605 나호 (주)카고맥스
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