해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
150Pcs 10mmx1mm Tiny Round Refrigerator Magnets, Small Rare Earth Magnets Neodymium Office Magnets, Miniature Mini Magnets Whiteboard Magnets for Crafts, Kitchen, Button Magnets

상품번호 B0BWD84WQ9
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상품가격 $8.97
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【10mmx1mm Magnets】: 150 pieces 10x1mm refrigerator magnets, and the round neodymium magnets can meet your various needs. These small circle magnets are widely used in life and work. The compact size of each magnet ensures that it won\'t cover up any important items on your fridge or whiteboard(magnetic flux below 50KG2mm2 ).【High Quality】: Our mini earth magnets are made from brushed nickel silver finishing material, have smooth clean surfaces and easy to remove. Each magnet is crafted from rare earth neodymium, magnet is wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, high-temperature resistant, ensuring long-lasting durability and peace of mind for you. Our magnets are built to last, retaining their strong magnetic for years to come.【Exquisite Packaging】: Exquisite package with plastic case, avoid damage and loss of earth magnets during transportation. In addition to their versatility, our magnets are also great for organizing and storing items in your home or workplace.Our rare earth magnet is not only of high quality but also comes in an exquisite package, making it an ideal gift for friends and family.【Multiple Uses】: Whiteboard magnets are applicable to refrigerator magnets, office magnet, process magnets, DIY magnets, miniature model, These mini round magnets can be used for magnetic object and can be used to store things in the home, warehouse and office. magnets can be used to keep documents, notes, and other materials in the office, helping to make your work more efficient. small magnets can display company posters and hold business cards and presentation notes in place.【Perfect Service】: We are professional small magnets seller. We take pride in the quality of our products and services. We guarantee that it will meet your expectations and make your daily life more comfortable and efficient. Please pay attention to the size before purchasing.

2024-07-10 19:06:21

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