해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Rare Earth Magnets 60Pcs, 3 Different Size Small Magnets, Muti-use Tiny Neodymium Magnets Strong Whiteboard Magnets, Mini Round Fridge Magnets for Crafts, DIY, Office Magnets, Nail Cutter

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상품가격 $6.97
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【Small Strong Magnets】- 20pcs for each size, 60pcs in total to be easily used in daily life.(0.23inch x 0.12inch x 20Pcs, 0.31inch x 0.12inch x 20Pcs, 0.39inch x 0.12inch x 20Pcs). Small neodymium magnets with a high-quality plastic box, very easy to carry and use. It\'s perfect for small craft projects, small models, dry erase board magnets and much more.【Rust Resistant and High Quality】- These whiteboard magnets are made from brushed nickel silver finishing material, have high resistance to demagnetization, corrosion and oxidation, have smooth clean surfaces and easy to remove, can perfectly meet your needs and have a long service life. You don\'t have to worry about it not being able to fix subjects since these tiny crafts magnets come with strong pull.【No-Scratch Technology】- Each of our small round magnets has a smooth surface that can be easily moved or removed without leaving scratches on the surface of the refrigerator, office board or elsewhere. Besides, exquisite package with plastic case, not only can avoid damage and loss of earth magnets during transportation, but also can be given as a gift to relatives or friends.【Unlimited Uses】- These small fridge magnets can be used as white board magnets, office magnets, school magnets, craft magnets, DIY magnets, miniatures, 3d printed projects, scientific, industrial, educational needs, jewelry-making and other hobby and home improvement projects. These magnets can help storage things in home and office and can be used on anything with magnetism.【Professional Brand】- We are professional small magnets seller, if these small refrigerator magnets do not meet your expectations, please let us know in time. Warm Notice: These magnets are tiny, not toy, so please keep away from children and pets.

2024-07-10 19:10:25

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