해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Gauge Style Bluetooth USB Marine Radio Receiver Bundle Combo with Remote, 4X 6.5 225W 2-Way Black Marine Speakers, 1000W Peak Power 4-Channel Amplifier, USB/AUX Interface, 22" Antenna, Speaker Wire

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상품구분 Electronics / Car & Vehicle Electronics
브랜드 Brand: Milennia
판매자 Amazon
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상품가격 $549.95
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PACKAGE BUNDLE INCLUDES: JBL PRV175 Bluetooth USB Marine Gauge Style Stereo Receiver, Milennia REM70 Weatherproof Wired Remote (Fits PRV175,PRV275, INFPRV250), 4x JBL Club Marine 6.5" 225W 2-Way Marine Multi-Element Black Speakers, JBL MA704 1000W 4-Channel Marine Amplifier, Universal USB/AUX Interface Mount, Universal 22" Marine Wired Radio Antenna, Speaker Wire 20FT 16 gaugeMARINE RECEIVER: This digital media receiver packs a lot of features into a compact design that fits into a standard tachometer opening. Enjoy AM/FM radio, plus Bluetooth that lets you stream music from your Android. You can also use the rear aux input for your music player, or plug a thumb drive into the rear USB port to enjoy your music files. Bundle includes a REM70 wired remote control!SPEAKERS: These JBL club marine 2-way multi-element speakers features sealed motor structure, UV resistant one-piece cast-polymer baskets, a sealed magnet, rubber surrounds, polypropylene cone and balanced dome tweeters with 225 watts peak power.AMPLIFIER: This JBL amplifier features adjustment crossovers, big dynamic power, high low-level inputs, marine grade engineered for harsh marine conditions, with power and performance of 4 channels 1000 Watts peak power.ACCESSORIES: This marine audio bundle comes with an array of accessories to help you hook up your new equipment with ease! This bundle comes packed with a USB/AUX interface, a wired radio antenna for a reception boost, and speaker wiring.
Marine Receiver: Marine Digital Media AM/FM Receiver built-in Bluetooth for music streaming built-in Amp (20W x 4 RMS/45W Peak x 4) Marine-rated watertight face Inputs: 1 Rear USB, 1 Rear AUX Outputs: 4-Channel preamp outputs Wired Remote: Weatherproof Backlit silicone rubber membranes 2-line display Adjustable bass, treble, fader and balance by using select button Display remote for PRV-250, PRV-350, PRV-175, MBB-2020, MBB-2120, MR-180 Cord for the harness is 18" so an optional extension cable (REX20-6) is recommended. Speakers: Weather-Resistant Marine Grade IPx5 Multi-Color RGB LED Lighting One-piece Polymer Basket Rubber Surrounds Bridge mounted (grille mounted) tweeters Balanced Dome Tweeters Stainless Steel Mounting Hardware Power Handling: 75W RMS, 225W Peak Impedance: 4 Ohms Amplifier: High and low-level inputs Selectable Output and Variable Adjustment Crossovers Conformal-Coated PCB Peak Power: 1000W RMS Power Output @ 2Ω: 100W x 4 RMS Power Output @ 4Ω: 70W x 1 Signal-to-Noise Ratio: >85dB USB/AUX Interface: UV-resistant, water-resistant rubber cover USB to RCA converter Cable Length: 3m (10ft) Antenna: Weather Resistant AM/FM Marine Antenna 22 inch Braided Cable Speaker Wire: Hyper-Flex rope-lay speaker cables Gauge: 16 Length: 20 Ft

2024-11-01 06:53:05

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