해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kitchen Knife Set 18 Pcs Rose Gold Blade Knives Set Sharp Stainless Steel Knife Sets Contain 8 Steak Knives Sharpener Peeler Clear Acrylic Stand Beautiful Knife Best Gift Gold Handle

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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Kitchen & Dining
브랜드 Brand: SQCS
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $45.99
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A Total Set Meets All Your Cutting Needs: A specialized set of kitchen knives for all your chopping needs. This set is included professional knives, kitchen scissors, bonus peeler, a premium quality 2-stage knife sharpener and a modern acrylic knife stand. A true kitchen cutlery organizer!Premium Quality Rose Gold Titanium Knives Set: SQCS knife sets are made of premium quality stainless steel to make them durable and long lasting. Each knife is coated with gold titanium that creates a very soothing gold color effect. Stainless Steel material adds quality and gold Titanium coating provides a very beautiful look and decor as if they are art pieces.Excellent Sharp- SQCS kitchen knife set with gold knives block set is so thin that the kitchen knife set is sharp enough to cut hard food easily. Now anyone, newbie cook or master chef can enjoy cooking much faster, easier, cleaner.Convenient Space-saving Acrylic Stand– SQCS knives are holding in a clear Acrylic Stand, these innovative designed knives are simply unique. Each of the elements of these knives adds elegance and proves that these knives are not only devices in the kitchen but could add the decor to any kitchen. Universal storage of this knives allows you to insert knives anywhere and is smart space-saving cylinder which is fits to kitchen use.No Worry Material - None of the material used for SQCS knives is health hazardous. Stainless steel and Titanium are rust proof and there is no existence of any kind of toxic particles. The handle and blade material makes the knives sturdy enough to keep it durable for several years.

2024-02-13 09:47:19

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