해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
100S JEWELRY White Gold SandBlasted Finish Center Groove Tungsten Rings For Men Women Wedding Promise Engagement Band Sizes 6-16

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상품가격 39.99
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CASUAL AND MODERN Trying not to break the bank but don’t want a cheap, arcade-looking band for your wedding day? 100S Jewelry’s White Gold Sandblasted Center Groove Band for a bride or groom offers affordable luxury and provides a traditional, yet modern look without appearing fake or wearing away after a few months. HEAVY DUTY Our wide rings are made with thick, cobalt free tungsten carbide for a classic look that is durable and long-lasting. If you’re looking for a wedding band that is tougher, stronger and more scratch resistant than traditional gold or platinum rings, our tungsten wedding band is the choice for you. WATER AND SCRATCH PROOF This White Gold tungsten ring with Sandblast Finish is both scratch resistant & waterproof, so whether you sit at a desk or work with large equipment and heavy machinery, this ring can withstand the elements and continue to look like new overtime. IDEAL SIZING From a small size 6 finger to large size 16 ring fingers, or any half sizes in between, our fancy 8mm band is ideal for a male or female, no matter your hand size. Our aim is to accommodate ring fingers of all shapes and sizes, providing you with a quality band to symbolize your beautiful union. MULTI USE 100S Jewelry’s White Gold Sandblast Finish band for him or her can be used as the original wedding band on your big day, or can function as an ideal travel replacement ring, so you can keep your existing wedding band safe at home when you’re on the road or traveling abroad. - Tungsten Carbide Wedding Band by 100S Jewelry – White Gold Tungsten Center Groove With Sandblast Finish- Waterproof and Scratch Resistant - Cobalt Free - Comes in Ring Sizes 6-16

2024-09-05 09:41:28

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