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[3+3 Pack]Galaxy S20 FE 5G Screen Protector + Camera Lens Protector, HD Tempered Glass Film, 9H Hardness, Scratch Resistant, Easy Installation, Bubble Free, Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy S20 FE

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상품가격 8.33
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Compatible Models: Designed for Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G screen protector, not fit for other models; Package includes 3 pcs tempered glass screen protector and 3 pcs camera lens protector, 3 wet & dry wipes, 3 dust stickersScratch Resistant: Galaxy S20 FE screen protector made of Premium 9H Hardness tempered glass, which makes the phone more effectively withstand external scratch and impact force, providing comprehensive protection around the screen and cameraHD Clear: The transparency of the galaxy s20 fe 5g screen protector preserves the original high resolution of pictures and videos, providing an original viewing experience with HD clarityEasy Installation: Before installing the screen protector and camera protector, remove dust and align it properly; With professional electrostatic adsorption technology, no worrying about bubblesTouch Sensitivity: The ultra-thin glass maintains the touch of the original screen, ensuring fast and responsive performance; Hydrophobic and oleo-phobic coating to reduce sweat and fingerprints

2024-11-27 05:05:46

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