해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Reading Pillow for Gaming, Extra Large Arm Rest Pillow for Adult, Memory Foam Bed Rest Pillow for Reading, Working, Playing Steam Deck Switch or Sitting in Bed Floor Sofa(Grey)

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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Bedding
브랜드 Brand: cooloo8
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $59.99
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Relax Your Arms: Extra large adult reading pillow with arm rest can be used as a lap desk for bed; it is larger and more comfortable, with arm support to relax the strength of your arms and a flat desktop to work on your computer.Relax In The Game: If you feel tired when handheld game, you can try our gaming pillow sitting in handheld game, you can cross-legged under the memory foam table can make your posture more comfortable, can also reduce the pressure of the game machine in your hands.Excellent Design: Our arm rest pillow is designed with pockets on the side, allowing you to put remote controls, cell phones and other items; and the bed rest pillow cover is removable for hand washing or machine-washed; we have developed this unique reading pillow using a combination of arms support and desktop.Free Your Legs: This lap pillows seating for adults is perfect for when you are reading a book or newspaper, whether you are on sofa or in bed, you can put your legs inside the groove, rest your hand elbows on top of our memory foam pillow and enjoy every minute of relaxation. It also comes with a storage cord to save space by storing the pillow when not in use.High Quality Materials: Our reading pillow cover is made of polyester and spandex, comfortable and breathable; the pillow insert is made of polyurethane, filled with high quality, high density memory foam, which is clean, soft and quick to rebound, fits your body and provides perfect support.

2024-02-13 13:02:45

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