해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pokemon Go Plus +

상품번호 B0BX2P43PX
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Electronics / Accessories & Supplies
브랜드 Brand: Nintendo
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $61.49
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Catch Pokémon and track your rest rhythm with the Pokémon GO Plus + accessory!Keep track of your sleep with the press of a buttonPress and hold the central button on the Pokémon GO Plus + accessory and place it by your pillow to track your rest rhythm on the Pokémon Sleep appThere’s a Pikachu within your Pokémon GO Plus + that can sing you lullabies and act as your morning alarm; Pikachu grows friendlier the more you sleep, unlocking even more sounds!Spin PokéStops or throw Poké Balls automatically in Pokémon GO for hands-free gameplay (and Great Balls and Ultra Balls can be thrown too!)
Pokémon GO Plus + is a new device that uses Bluetooth Low Energy technology to link with the Pokémon Sleep and Pokémon GO smart device apps! With the Pokémon Sleep app, just press and hold the central button on the Pokémon GO Plus + accessory and place it by your pillow. There’s a Pikachu within your Pokémon GO Plus + that can sing you lullabies and act as your morning alarm; Pikachu grows friendlier the more you sleep, unlocking even more sounds! Depending on how you sleep, you can collect more Pokémon to complete the sleep Pokédex! Keep an eye on your sleep data and link to Pokémon GO to take advantage of upcoming gameplay features. With Pokémon GO, use this accessory to spin PokéStops or throw Poké Balls automatically (and Great Balls and Ultra Balls too!). You can catch Pokémon without even pressing a button! Linking the Pokémon GO Plus + with Pokémon GO will also let you take on Special Research to catch a Snorlax with a nightcap.

2025-02-05 01:34:07

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