해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ROIL 14 Inch Full Size Bed Frame with Mattress Slide Stopper - Double Black Basic Anti Squeak Steel Slats Metal Platform, Heavy Duty Noise Free Easy Assembly Bedframes, No Box Spring Needed

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상품가격 $116.78
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IDEAL SIZE DESIGN - The size of the full size bed frame: 53.4" x 74.5", Suitable Mattress: 54" x 75". Maximum weight capacity of this full bed frame: 3500 lbs. There is 12.4 inches from the floor, which provides enough space for storing boxes, clothes, toys, quilts, etc.NOISE ELIMINATION - No Box spring needed for the full size platform bed frame. Rubber cushion of the bed full size frame is good for noise elimination, Every bed legs designed with anti-scratch gaskets to protect your fancy floor and provides you with a peaceful sleep. The full bed frame metal is completely simple style. This full platform bed frame is the prefect choice for residence bedroom, guest rooms, dormitories, apartments and short visiting families or friends.MATTRESS NON SLIP GASKETS PREPARED - Anti slip mattress gripper is made of high-quality plastic. The mattress holder for is sturdy and resistant to deformation, providing an extra secure connection to prevent the mattress from slipping and keep mattress in place.STURDY MATERIAL - Because we have chosen the high-quality materials, this full size metal bed frame is quite durable and solid. Unlike other beds, this full sized bed frame has 9 thicken legs, which has the extra strong support. We believe once you get this black full bed frame, you will like it.EASY ASSEMBLE - Easy to assemble full frame bed, with clear step-by-step instructions to help you easily assemble. The metal full size bed frame is placed in a box. All parts of bed frame full with storage are labeled clearly, which is easy to assemble, and can be assembled by one person within 20 minutes.

2024-09-05 23:33:27

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