해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Mcfarlane - Batman & Robin - DC Build-A 7" Wv11 - Poison Ivy

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상품가격 $36.20
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Incredibly detailed 7” scale figure based on the DC MULTIVERSEDesigned with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and playThe figure includes 1 of 4 pieces that when combined with the rest of Batman & Robin Build-a line will assemble Mr. FreezePoison Ivy includes a display baseIncludes collectible art card with character art on the front, and character biography on the back
Description: THE DARK KNIGHT battles his greatest threats yet: cold-hearted MR. FREEZE, venomous POISON IVY and the unstoppable brute known only as BANE. BATMAN finds himself at odds with his crimefighting comrade ROBIN, no longer satisfied with his role as a sidekick. As MR. FREEZE threatens to unleash a new ice age upon the citizens of GOTHAM CITY, the DYNAMIC DUO, now joined by the heroic newcomer BATGIRL, must learn to work as a team before GOTHAM CITY is put on ice. Features: Incredibly detailed 7" scale figure based on the DC MULTIVERSE. Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and play. The figure includes 1 of 4 pieces that when combined with the rest of Batman & Robin Build-a line will assemble Mr. Freeze. Poison Ivy includes a display base. Includes collectible art card with character art on the front, and character biography on the back. Collect all McFARLANE TOYS DC MULTIVERSE figures!

2024-02-13 13:25:37

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