해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
A-300BI Psvane 300B 4PCS Integrated Tube Vacuum Amp Class A 18W*2 with Remote & Cayin Line MagneticTube Amplifier(110V/220V) (220V)

상품번호 B0BXG9VJ5J
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Electronics / Home Audio
브랜드 Brand: QUEENWAY
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 599.99
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Output Power: Class A 18W+18W (RMS triode working state)THD: <0.5% (1kHz at 1W, 8ohm)Frequency Response: 20Hz~50KHz (-1.5dB)SNR: 91dB(A-weight)Using Vacuum Tube: ECC82(12AU7)×2, 6P9P×2, PSVANE 300B×4
Please prepare a CR2032 battery for the remote of KT88 amplifier, as the plane shipping with a little battery is very expensive! Features of this machine: 1. Well-designed appearance, adopting modern industrial product design ideas, simple and elegant, internal point-to-point wiring, manual welding. 2. Using four 300B*4 vacuum tubes of PSVANE with customized parameters as class A single-ended amplifier 3. Two high-quality broadband response and high-quality EI output transformers are used. 4.CNC all-aluminum processing remote control, start mute delay function (about 20 seconds) 5. High quality Japanese ALPS motor potentiometer. 6. Equipped with an easy-to-install tube cover for protection. 7. High-quality capacitors are used in key positions of the circuit, and the sound quality is better. Technical parameter: Output Power: Class A 18W+18W (RMS triode working state) THD: <0.5% (1kHz at 1W, 8ohm) Frequency Response: 20Hz~50KHz (-1.5dB) SNR: 91dB(A-weight) Input Sensitivity: 220mV Input Impedance: 100kΩ Size (W×D×H): 430mm x 340mm (knob+20mm) x 220mm Packing Size: 57cm*51cm*37cm Output Impedance: 4Ω, 8Ω 3 Groups RCA input Using Vacuum Tube: ECC82(12AU7)×2, 6P9P×2, PSVANE 300B×4 N.W: 29kg G.W: 34kg Power Supply: 110V~220V ±10% Power consumption : 350W

2024-07-10 11:56:18

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