해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Acouto universal headlight fairing, Motorcycle Headlight Fairing, 7in Motorcycle Headlight Fairing Smooth Surface Aging Resistant Universal for Round Headlights Motorbike (Glossy Black)

상품번호 B0BXM4C44T
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상품가격 $82.96
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High Quality : Smooth surface and easy to clean, exquisite appearance, ABS material, wear resistant, anti aging and . The motorcycle headlamp fairing is a great product which can meet your needsSuperior Performance : The motorcycle headlight windshield with less turbulence, which can improve stability and performance, and decreases fatigue in your hands and arms. Please choose according to your needsScope of Application : The motorcycle headlamp fairing is universal for most motorcycles equipped with 7in round headlights. More detailed information is in the product description sectionUnique Design : The cover can add a personalized , making your motorcycle exterior look more special, and greatly show your unique fashion taste. The motorcycle headlamp fairing is tested strictly, the qualtiy isProfessional Function : The headlight fairing cover can effectively the motorcycle headlights from scratches and damage, providing you with clear lighting. Convenient and practical
Specifications: Item Type: Motorcycle Headlight Fairing Material: ABS Installation Position: Front Product Diameter: 178 mm /7 in Applicable : Universal most motorcycles with 7in (165-178mm) round headlights Package List: 27 x Accessories 2 x Bracket 1 x Screwdriver 1 x Fairing Windshield 1 x Headlight Cover

2024-11-26 20:18:58

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