해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Wart Remover - Maximum Strength Genital Wart Treatment & Plantar Wart Removal - for Men & Women

상품번호 B0BXM82LYM
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Health & Household / Health Care
브랜드 Brand: Uforic
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $29.66
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FAST-ACTING & SIMPLE - Uforic Wart Remover is the most powerful solution for all types of warts, including the most private and embarrassing warts. Application of our proprietary cream is extremely simple, and it’s common to begin to see results within just hours.WORKS FOR MEN & WOMEN - We created our wart remover for maximum effectiveness on sensitive and private areas of the body, and that’s for men or women. Our cream is gentle but very powerful.MADE IN USA - Unlike other wart removers that are made in China or overseas, our formula was created and manufactured inside a GMP facility right here in the United States. We have sourced the finest and highest quality ingredients (that start working instantly) to fight mild or severe cases of warts.FDA REGISTERED - While other wart removers avoid the FDA by claiming to be homeopathic, we took the extra steps to register with the FDA so that our customers would know that our product is safe and effective. It also demonstrates that we can manufacture our wart remover to federal quality standards. Homeopathic wart removers often have much weaker ingredients, and those products are not monitored or observed by the FDA and therefore aren’t inspected nor scrutinized by the FDA.MULTIPACKS - The more bottles you buy, the more money you save. 1 bottle is best for 1-2 warts. Our 2-Bottle package is best for 3-5 warts. Our 4-Bottle package is best for 6-9 warts. And our 6-Bottle package is best for 10+ warts.NDC: 83106-371. Uforic Wart Remover is ineffective on moles, molluscum, milia, or skin tags.

2024-06-07 03:53:50

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