해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Magiware Paring Knife, 8PCS Paring Knife Set with Cover, Small Kitchen Vegetable Fruit Knives, 3.5 Inch Ultra Sharp PP Handle

상품번호 B0BXQ469LQ
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Kitchen & Dining
브랜드 Brand: Magiware
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $9.99
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【Superior Value】: Made with ultra-sharp stainless steel blades( 3Cr13MoV) and lithtweight plastic handles, Featuring a short blade for enhanced accuracy and precision, 4 knife set is easy to assign a color knife to each food group to prevent cross-contaminatio,make your life more efficient & healthy.【Eye-catching Design】: These knives set come in vibrant rainbow colors (pink/orange/green/yellow) , add a pop of color to your kitchen and make food prep fun.【Protective Sheaths】: Each knife comes with a smiley face protective sheath to ensure safe storage and transport. The sheaths also help to keep the knives sharp and protected from damage.【Pairing Knife Set】: Complete Set includes 4 Paring knives and 4 knife sheath covers, 3.5inch straight blade with point is perfect for a wide range of kitchen small tasks, including peeling, trimming, and slicing fruits, vegetables, and meats.【Perfect Gift】: This set makes a great gift for anyone who loves to cook or appreciates colorful and functional kitchen accessories.Wash machine is ok, Hand wash is best.

2024-02-13 11:43:04

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