해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
COOFANDY Mens Hawaiian Shirts Short Sleeve Striped Shirt Button Down Summer Beach Shirts

상품번호 B0BXVZ9CW3
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상품가격 $14.99
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COOFANDY Men\'s Button Down Shirts Short Sleeve Casual Striped Shirts Loose Fit Summer Tropical Beach Shirts The Men\'s Vintage Short Sleeve Shirts featuring without pocket on the left chest, short sleeve, multiple buttons closure. Striped Color Block brings the look fashion and more holiday style. It\'s perfect to wear with a jeans or linen/cotton shorts, and a pair of shoes which youself like, keepping your look simple stylish while letting you stand out from the crowd. Brand COOFANDY mens button up shirts short sleeve is made of comfort and breathability fabric, allowing for more air to be trapped between the skin and fabric which helps with insulation and comfort, giving you maximum comfort all day. Features Casual Striped Shirt; Button Down Shirts; Hawaiian Beach Shirt; Summer Beach Shirts; Vintage Button Up Shirts; Striped Short Sleeve Shirts; Short Sleeve; Button Down; Loose Fit; Comfortable; Lightweight; Striped Print Color Block. Perfect for casual, beach and vacation activities.fashion street style, dating, hawaiian, everyday casual wear, beach wear etc. Size Chart: S M L XL XXL S Size: Chest: 42.1"/ waist: 42.1"/ Shoulder: 18.4"/ sleeve: 8.5"/ Center Back Length: 28.5" M Size: Chest: 45.7"/ waist: 44.1"/ Shoulder: 18.9"/ sleeve: 8.7"/ Center Back Length: 29.1" L Size: Chest: 48.7"/ waist: 47.1"/ Shoulder: 19.6"/ sleeve: 9.0"/ Center Back Length: 29.7" XL Size: Chest: 51.7"/ waist: 80.1"/ Shoulder: 20.3"/ sleeve: 9.3"/ Center Back Length: 30.3" 2XL Size: Chest: 54.6"/ waist: 53.1"/ Shoulder: 21.0"/ sleeve: 9.6"/ Center Back Length: 30.9" Washing care Washing Max Temperature 40°C Iron at low setting,gentle cycle Do not use chlorine bleach Hang to Dry Tell Us We care about our valued buyers, if you have any questions, we will be very glad to help you.

2024-10-01 08:10:26

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