해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Lockly Secure Plus, Keyless Entry Door Lock, Smart Locks for Front Door, Smart Lock Deadbolt, PIN Genie® Keypad, 3D Biometric Fingerprint Sensor, Auto Lock Smart Door Lock (Venetian Bronze)

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상품가격 $249.99
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Secure Your Home, Office, or Rental Property with Ease - Lockly Secure Plus smart door lock offers high security and reliability for all your needs. We offers detailed installation guide which enables you to install with common household tools. We also offer 5-year mechanical and finish, and 2-year electronics, plus lifetime technical support.Multiple Ways to Unlock - Lockly keyless entry door lock features patented PIN Genie digital keypad, 3D biometric fingerprint sensor, and physical key for easy access. You can also grant offline access codes that can be used offline without Wi-Fi or Internet during a specific time period to trusted users.Prestigious Fingerprint Door Lock - We offer the most trusted fingerprint sensor with 100 million+ accesses granted already. The Second Gen 3D biometric fingerprint sensor, which recognizes in 0.3 sec and unlocks in 0.5 sec, can store up to 99 fingerprints for easy and quick access.Lockly Door Locks with Keypads - The patented peek-proof PIN Genie keypad has four virtual buttons with three different numbers per button which change after each use by mixing the location of your PIN number, making it impossible for someone to guess your code.Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts - Monitor lock status from anywhere with real-time alerts sent to your smartphone (additional Wi-Fi hub needed). Plus, enjoy rekeying capability which enables you to replace the key cylinder without changing the lock (with standard rekey kit).

2024-10-02 16:46:28

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