해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
PUKAMI 10'6" Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board with Premium SUP Paddle Board Accessories & Carry Bag,Paddle,Pump,Leash,Wide Stable Design,Non-Slip Deck,Surf Control for Adults & Youth

상품번호 B0BY8KB64F
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상품가격 $139.99
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?【Durable & Sturdy】PUKAMI Paddle Board is made of high quality military grade ultra-lightweight PVC material for better compression resistance and durability, making them the most durable lightweight paddle boards on the market, with a load capacity of up to 300lbs. 10\'6" x 30‘ x 6’ paddle board also come with non-slip deck pads for improved stability and balance when standing up, so you can enjoy your surfing activities without any worries.?【Lightweight & Maneuverability 】The lightweight stand up paddle board is designed with three fins on the bottom to give you more flexibility and agility in the surf, two small non-removable fins that are securely fastened to the board, and one large removable fin that makes it easier to manoeuvre and steer for better enjoyment of your in-water adventures.?【Versatile & Portable】The full backpack kit is very easy to travel with and can be used in a variety of water conditions such as oceans, lakes and rivers, and can be used for activities such as yoga, surfing, exploring, travelling and fishing.?【Complete Paddle Board Accessories 】This inflatable paddle board comes with all the necessary accessories including 1 adjustable paddle, 1 removable fin, 1 safety rope, 1 pump, 1 surfboard backpack, 1 repair kit and 1 product manual. The board also comes with multiple D-rings through which you can attach a kayak seat for fishing, fix a cooler or connect other boards.?【Excellent Customer Service】 We always put our customers first. We are happy to offer a 1-years warranty on the stand up paddle board inflatable. Our customer service agents will respond to any of your inquiries and questions within 24 hours. If there is any issue with the SUP, please don\'t hesitate to contact us.
PUKAMI 10.6\' Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board

2024-06-04 15:06:22

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