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miisso 10000mAh Slim Portable Charger with Built in Cable, Power Bank Travel Charger External Battery Pack for Phone, 4 Output USB Type C Cord Clutch Charger Compatible with iPhone, Purple

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상품가격 $35.99
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Portable charger with built in cables: This power bank is built-in type C cable and other cables that compatible with mobile phone directly, such as for iphones, for iPad, for Samsung, for other USB C port phones. You do not need to take charging cablesHigh Capacity: Contains 10000mAh of power. Enough to provide over 2 entire replacement charge for iPhone 15, for iPhone 14 and Samsung Galaxy S28. 10000mAh can meet your daily electricity demand. And its body is slim, 5.59*2.75*0.57inch like a little phone that you can carry it in your handbag. It will be your most important partner daily. And when you are traveling or on a business trip that will be helpfulCharging for 4 Devices at The Same Time: Portable charger has 4 outputs and 2 inputs, you may charge 4 devices max at the same time. Portable charger builts in 2 output cables and another 2 outputs (Total 4 outputs), great for multi electronics users who has iPhone, android or micro devices. It also builts in 2 inputs (usb c input and micro input), which you can use any one of them to recharge battery pack convenientlyUniversal Compatible with Most Devices: As portable phone charger builts in 2 cables, it is widely compatible with most cellphones or tablets. Widely compatible with iPhone 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 8, 7, AirPods, Samsung S23, S22, S21 and other andorid USB C or Micro USB phones, tabletsWhat You Get: 10000mAh Battery Charger x 1, USB Charing Cable x 1 and User Guide x 1

2024-09-05 21:31:04

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