해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Momcozy Video Baby Monitor, 4.3" HD Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio Split Screen, No WiFi, IR Night Vision Long Battery Life 2-Way Audio VOX Pan/Tilt Zoom Lullabies Temperature Sensor Easy Setup

상품번호 B0BYDV1CX3
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상품가격 $79.99
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【HD Camera with Infrared Night Vision】Our baby monitor is equipped with 8 infrared lights, providing clear visibility day and night. You can easily see and hear your baby\'s every little movement. The handheld screen supports up to 4x digital zoom for closer monitoring.【Long Battery Life】Our monitor is equipped with a 3600mAh rechargeable battery, which can work for at least 10 hours without plugging in (maximum brightness and continuous playback), and up to 16 hours of daily use. It easily lasts all day, say goodbye to worrying about missing out on your baby\'s activities!【Protect Family Privacy】No Wi-Fi or app required. Our monitors and cameras use a 2.4GHz FHSS connection, ensuring hackers cannot access your camera over the internet. It runs on a closed system, providing you with a secure and private connection. Only you can hear and see the live broadcast. Trust me, your baby is safe.【360 Degree Visibility】You can adjust the camera angle on the monitor (horizontal rotation 355° and vertical rotation 120°) to get a full view of your baby\'s activities when your baby starts walking and running around. The clear night vision function allows you to clearly see your baby\'s activities.【VOX Voice Control System】Our monitor can detect and alert you to any abnormal sounds or movements of your baby even in standby mode. It automatically wakes up and notifies you, keeping you informed of your baby\'s health, talking to your baby through the screen or playing lullabies, and you\'ll be there when your baby needs you, even if you\'re in another room or busy with other tasks.

2024-06-09 12:52:19

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