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Veise Fingerprint Door Lock with 2 Door Knobs - Keyless Entry Door Lock with Handle, Electronic Keypad Deadbolt, Smart Front Door Lock Set, Auto Lock, Waterproof, Easy Installation, Oil-Rubbed Bronze

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상품가격 $129.99
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Fingerprint Unlock: Identifies your fingerprint within 0.3 seconds and unlocks your door within 1 second, with a 99.99% recognition rate[4-in-1] Unlock: Fingerprints, codes, one-time codes, and keys can all be used to unlockKeypad Door Lock with Handle: Features a fingerprint keypad deadbolt combined with 2 knobs, anti-peeping codes, backlit keypad, low battery alerts, mute mode, and vacation modeBuilt to Last: The ANSI Grade 3 fingerprint door lock is made with a sturdy lock cylinder and alloy, powered by 4 AA batteries, and lasts for more than 1 yearSmart and Convenient: Set the front door lock to "auto lock" in 10-99 seconds, or press any key for 2 seconds to lock the door manuallyEasy to Install: With just a screwdriver, you can easily finish installation and programming in minutes. It is compatible with all American standard left- and right-handed doorsVeise offers at least a 1-year warranty and lifetime online phone support from Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM PST, and 24/7 after-sales email service

2024-10-01 22:32:15

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