해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
New joytoy 1/25 Action Figure Mecha Iron Wrecker 09 Pursue Type Collection Model (7.87Inch)

상품번호 B0BZ42Y8QV
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Toy Figures & Playsets
브랜드 Brand: Joytoy
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $72.00
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Recommended for age 15 years and up.Collectibles are not works of art, so please buy with caution! Note Size,limited quantity.VINTAGE-INSPIRED PACKAGING:JOYTOY 7.87-inch scale classic original branding(Each sold separately. Subject to availability.)GAME-BASED -INSPIRED ACCESSORIES : This Iron Wrecker 09 mecha comes with more entertainment-inspired accessories that make a great addition to any JOYTOY collection.PREMIUM DESIGN AND ARTICULATION: Highly articulated with fully poseable head, arms, and legs, the JOYTOY can be displayed in Scenes and vehicle collections Target gender: unisexMore sci-fic design, more exquisite workmanship, this mecha can assume various poses. Every inch of this product is painted by pro artists.For more realistic effects, some products are painted by doing old, war damaged effects.This new edition is really worth adding to your collections if you are a super fan of sci-fic figures.
Applications: Holiday or Birthday Gifts: Character model fine detail, movable joints, you can adjust the model according to your desired shape, ideal for gifts. Send to yourself: If you love Warhammer 40k, you can make a selection of our models, we have rich types, rich factions, come and choose the character models you support for your collection! Age: This product is suitable for young people over fifteen years old.Attention: Maintenance: Warning and TipsKeep your figures in a ventilated environment and the best way is watching them in a glass cabinet or display box.Keep your figures away from moisture, heat, dust or direct sunlight.When the figures are stained with dust, use a hairdryer(cool) and a soft brush to clean the dust. Do not use a strong cleaning agent.Because the soldiers are an action figure, there are many joints that can be rotated and the parts are fine. Support: If you have any problems with your product after you receive it, please contact us immediately and we will help you within 24 hours. If your product is found to be damaged within seven days of receipt, please contact us and we can provide you with replacement parts.

2024-05-16 16:43:01

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