해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BNX TruFilter 14x20x1 Air Filter MERV 8 (6-Pack) - MADE IN USA – Dust & Pet Defense Electrostatic Pleated Air Conditioner HVAC AC Furnace Filters for Dust, Pet, Mold, Pollen MPR 600 – 700 & FPR 5

상품번호 B0BZFY8HF2
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상품가격 $44.99
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14x20x1 MERV 8 air filter replacement for your air conditioner, furnace or HVAC system. Actual Size: 13 11/16’’ x 19 11/16’’ x 3/4‘’. Comparable with MPR 600 & FPR 5. Electrostatically charged filter media with industry leading low air flow resistance.MADE IN USA, SUSTAINABLY - Proudly manufactured by BNX Converting, LLC in Houston, TX, a registered and approved facility (EPA Registration # 101638-TX-1). Adopts single sided (one-piece) frame technology to reduce environmental waste and made sustainably from recycled cardboard.SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE - The BNX MERV 8 100% synthetic electrostatically charged air filter media outperforms standard fiberglass filters and adopts the latest in electrostatic filtration technology to allow for industry leading superior low air flow resistance while maintaining the highest grade level of filtration.CAPTURES MICROSCOPIC PARTICLES - The BNX air filter has a MERV 8 rating allowing it to capture 85% of microscopic airborne particles without impacting air flow. Captures microscopic particles such as odors, pet dander, allergens, dust, lint, mold, dust mites. Noticeably cleaner air in 48 hours.BNX Quality Promise & Applications - BNX is committed to delivering the highest quality American made safety products, made with American workers, and using the latest automated manufacturing processes and technology with the strictest quality standards.

2024-11-27 03:36:34

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