해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Glaxon Specimen Max High Stim Pre-Workout | 400mg Caffeine + 3200mg Beta Alanine for Maximum Energy, Pump & Focus | 21 Servings (Alien Pop)

상품번호 B0BZG1R993
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상품가격 $54.99
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CRUSH EVERY WORKOUT: Go from 0 to 100 with the energy-boosting, performance-elevating, fatigue-defying ingredients in Specimen pre-workout powder. No more skipping workouts at the end of the day because you feel drained. No more skipping leg day because your back is suddenly ‘acting up’. Every serving primes you for workout-crushing success thanks to the likes of Beta Alanine, L-Tyrosine, Taurine, L-Theanine, and caffeine.PUMP IT UP: Those serpents on your arms? They’re about to have a growth spurt! What’s the point of pumping iron if you don’t have a sleeve-splitting pump to show for it? Specimen has 3200mg of Betaine Nitrate as NO3-T that boosts nitric oxide production to increase vascularity and turn some heads. But the vasodilation isn’t just for show. It maximizes blood flow to flood your muscles with the nutrients they need to shatter plateaus, and removes lactic acid quickly to keep fatigue at bay.STAY LASER FOCUSED: You know all about mind-muscle connection. Get it right and you get to squeeze all the gains from every rep. But to achieve that kind of connection needs a great deal of concentration. We’ve loaded our performance preworkout for women and men with ingredients that unlock enviable focus. You don’t just get 300mg of caffeine and 1000mg of Taurine; you also get to reap the benefits of Cholinace. This patented ingredient has 4 sources of choline to supercharge your concentration.FLAVOR YOU’LL RELISH: We’re talking sinfully good flavor that makes you want to repent. Out-of-this-world deliciousness that will have you phoning home and saying you’ve found ‘The One’. At Glaxon, we’re known for our mouthwatering flavors that taste just as good as they sound. Choose between Alien Pop, Dark Cherry, Strawberry Kiwi, and Watermelon. And as you enjoy this pre-workout, you’ll be getting proper hydration support courtesy of balanced electrolytes.PROUDLY USA MADE: It all goes down right in the USA. We source the finest ingredients Mother Nature can offer, recruit the services of the brainiest lab geeks around, and create supplements that you’ll want to rave about. If unlocking the true potential of your amazing body is your goal, Glaxon has everything you need to make that a reality. Choose between our muscle-building, performance-enhancing, fat-burning, & body-nourishing products, and discover what you’re really made of.

2024-02-13 12:17:08

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