해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TRIGKEY AMD Ryzen 7 Mini PC 5800H(8 Cores, 16 Threads) 16GB DDR4 500GB M.2 NVME(Max 3000MB/S) SSD Gaming S5 Mini Computer WOS.Micro PC Wi-Fi 6/BT 5.2/DP+HDMI+Type-C Output/USB 3.2

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상품가격 $319.00
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?【Powerful Ryzen 7 5800H】 With its AMD Ryzen 7 5800H Mini PC processor boasting 8 cores and 16 threads, clocked at 3.3GHz (up to 4.2GHz), this Micro PC can transform your desk into a fully-fledged workstation with ease. The Mini Computer comes pre-installed with OS, sans any bloatware. Whether you need it for video editing, photo editing, office, running Adobe, or gaming, it has got you covered with smooth performance on titles such as Grand Theft Auto V, Battlefield V, and more.?【WiFi 6 and Bluetooth 5.2】The Ryzem 7 Mini PC comes with WiFi 6 and Bluetooth 5.2, it provides faster and more stable wireless connectivity. The Micro PC also features Gigabit Ethernet RJ45 network connectivity. With its rich interface, you get 1x type-C, HDMI+DP, 3x USB3.2 Gen2 (10Gbps), 1x USB 2.0, 1 x Gigabit Ethernet, and a 3.5mm Audio Jack. You can even fix it on the back of your monitor to save desk space.?【Powerful 8-core 2000 MHz AMD Radeon Graphics】The TRIGKEY S4 Mini PC supports triple 4K@60Hz display output via HDMI/DP/Type-C You can multitask with ease, whether you\'re browsing the internet, using Microsoft Office or Adobe applications, watching 4K videos, or gaming. This mini PC truly takes your desktop experience to another level.?【16GB DDR4 & 500GB NVME PCIE3 SSD】The TRIGKEY Ryzen 7 S5 Mini PC comes with 2 accessible memory slots that can be upgraded up to 64 GB (2 x 32 GB) of dual-channel DDR4 RAM. The Mini Computer also has a 500GB M.2 PCIe NVME 2280 SSD, with the option to expand storage via SATA HDD 2.5inch 7mm (not included) as per your needs.?【Carefree Service】All TRIGKEY Mini PCs are FCC, CE, and RoHS certified, and have undergone strict inspection before shipping. In case of any queries, you can rely on our lifetime technical support, 1-year worry-free wa~rran~ty, and 24/7 customer service. Experience high-performance computing like never before with the TRIGKEY S5 mini PC.

2024-07-09 22:48:06

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