해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
4.3'' Retro Handheld Game Console with 3.5mm AUX Earphone Output/TV Output, Built-in 8GB Memory Supporting Formats for Music, Photos, Videos, E-Book (Blue)

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상품가격 $46.99
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● Handheld Game Console with 4.3 Inch Full color high-speed crisp TFT widescreen and 480p Resolution. Built-in 1000+ Retro games (some are repeated) and Built-in 8GB memory support TF card expansion to 32GB and to store digital photos, music, videos, and movies, you can Combine gaming, movie watching, stereo music listening, voice recording.● Support - Support 10 simulators and 8-bit 16 bit 32 bit 64 bit 128 bit arcade games; Support Game Format (GBA, NES ,SFC,MD(BIN),GB,GBC,FC,CPS1,CPS2,NEOGEO,SMS(GBA); and Music Format (MP3, WMA ,OGG, WAV, AAC, APE, FLAC); and Photo Format (JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIF and PNG); and Video Format (720HD RM, RMVE, AVI, MP4, 3GP, MPEG, VOB).● Other Function - Support E-book format (TXTe-book reading), MP3 music, MP4 movie stopwatch, the AV television output, image browsing and interface display, USB 2.0 high speed transmission, multi-task operation, file navigation function, Calculator, Clock function, Calendar, Voice recorder.● Battery and Sound Mode and Language - Built-in 3.7V lithium battery (1250 milliampere battery); Charge time is 1-2 hoursl Play time is 3-5 hours. Sound Mode (Natural, pop, classical, jazz, rock, soft, heavy bass and other sound patterns); Support 18 languages.● Package Includes: 1x Blue Game Consolel; 1x Earphone; 1x USB Data cable; 1x AV cable; 1x User manual; 1x Retail box. (Please push the "power on key" to left(near the TF card slot) before charging and turning on)
Description: ● Screen: 4.3 Inch ● Platform: Universal ● Color: Blue ● Type: Handheld System ● Resolution: 480p ● Battery: Built-in 3.7V lithium battery (1250 milliampere battery) ● Charge time: 1-2 hours ● Play time: 3-5 hours ● S/N Ratio: 90db ● Operation Voltage: 3.5-4.2V ● Connection port: MINI 5P USB, 3.5mm AUX earphone output/TV output, TF card holder ● Size:195 x 85 x 15mm Features: ● Built-in 1000+ Retro games (some are repeated) ● Full color high-speed crisp TFT widescreen ● Stereo music steaming ● Setting Function: Support setting and reading of various functions and properties ● Combine gaming, movie watching, stereo music listening, voice recording ● Built-in 8GB memory, support TF card expansion to 32GB Support: ● Support 10 simulators ● Support 8-bit 16 bit 32 bit 64 bit 128 bit arcade games ● Support game format: GBA, NES ,SFC,MD(BIN),GB,GBC,FC,CPS1,CPS2,NEOGEO,SMS(GBA) ● Support music format: MP3, WMA ,OGG, WAV, AAC, APE, FLAC ● Support photo format: JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIF and PNG ● Support video format: 720HD RM, RMVE, AVI, MP4, 3GP, MPEG, VOB ● Support E-book format: TXTe-book reading ● Support MP3 music, MP4 movie stopwatch ● Support the AV television output ● Support image browsing and interface display ● Support USB 2.0 high speed transmission ● Support multi-task operation ● Support file navigation function ● Sound mode: natural, pop, classical, jazz, rock, soft, heavy bass and other sound patterns ● Other function: E-book, Calculator, Clock function, Calendar, Voice recorder ● Suitable for child and adult from 6 to 50 years old ● Support Language included: 18 languages (choose the appropriate language in the settings) Package Include: ● 1x Game Console ● 1x Earphone ● 1x USB Data cable ● 1x AV cable ● 1x User manual ● 1x Retail box

2024-07-11 12:57:32

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