해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Onkyo TX-RZ70 11.2 Channel AV Receiver - 140 Watts Per Channel, Dirac Live Out of Box, Dirac Bass Control Compatible, Works with Sonos Certified, Studio Grade Processing, and More!

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상품가격 $2,299.00
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11 CHANNELS, 140 WATTS: Home theater buffs rejoice! The Onkyo TX-RZ70 is our most powerful AVR yet, giving you the power to design the ultimate entertainment space with discrete zones, multiple subwoofers, and high-performance components that won’t overheat or lag.STUDIO GRADE PROCESSING: Built by and for audiophiles, but intuitively built for the everyman. Utilizing the very latest audio technology including ESS Sabre DACs, THX Certification, and eARC functionality, the Onkyo TX-RZ70 overdelivers on premium home theater performance.DIRAC LIVE TECHNOLOGIES: You deserve an AVR that adapts to your life, not the other way around. With built-in Dirac Live Room Calibration Full Bandwidth, the Onkyo TX-RZ70 uses machine learning to perfectly adapt and calibrate your audio settings to your unique speaker system and room layout. And big bass fans will also be able to upgrade their system (firmware available June 2023) with Dirac Live Bass Control Single/Multi Subwoofer for optimal calibration of the lowest tones.IMAX ENHANCED MODE: Bring the theater experience to your home by recreating IMAX content just as filmmakers intended. The TX-RZ70 meets the precise quality standards established by IMAX to reduce noise and grain to produce brighter, clearer pictures, plus immersive sound for the ultimate cinema experience. IMAX Enhanced Mode also provides a stretched aspect ratio for up to 26% more picture on your screen.THX CERTIFIED: In 1993, Onkyo became the first consumer home theater electronics brand to be THX-certified, after thousands of tests. No matter what input is used, what combination of built-in features are used, what preamplifier or amplifier, there can be absolutely nothing added, nothing taken away from the source material. And the TX-RZ70 offers four distinct THX listening modes: cinema, gaming, music, and surround EX.KLIPSCH OPTIMIZE MODE: Klipsch and Onkyo teamed up to implement the precise crossover values for specific new speakers, so you can easily and seamlessly integrate your Klipsch Reference and Reference Premiere speakers with your new Onkyo AVR. Simply select the model of speaker for each channel, and the optimized crossover setting will be automatically applied.ADVANCED MUSIC STREAMING & CONNECTIVITY: Our customers are precise and value the latest technology. That’s why we’ve included a host of built-in options for your favorite streaming apps and smart home assistants.
The all-new TX-RZ70 delivers remarkably pure sound, stellar visuals and the latest technologies to power the heart of your home entertainment system. Rest easy: With uncompromising high resolution audio/video reproduction, you\'ll enjoy movies, music and games exactly as the creators intended.eceiver

2025-01-09 22:07:08

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