해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Sweese Pasta Bowls of 6, 30 Ounce Ceramic Salad Plates for Dishwasher & Microwave Safe - Solid Salad Bowls, Soup Bowls - Deep Plates Lipped Edges, Oven Safe Porcelain Plates Serving Bowls

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상품가격 $39.99
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Colorful & Identify Plates: Sweese pasta bowls set of 6 equipped with different colors. The spaghetti bowls are freely chosen according to the preferences of family members, not only making the food more delicious but also making them happy and having a warm family dinnerSuitable Salad Plate Easy Stir Sauce: These serving dishes are wide & shallow enough, Which means that you can easily mix salad dressing, Thousand Island dressing, and salad, The Lipped Edges don\'t let the sauce splatter on all sides or clothes, making large salad bowls perfect dish for kidsPro-Grade Porcelain & Lead-Free Ceramic: Solid Porcelain determines its high-temperature resistance and drop resistance, so plates safe in dishwashers, microwave ovens, and refrigerators. At the same time, it does not contain lead, you can rest assured that you can use it, which is our confidence that we can guarantee 30 days of free replacementStackable & Easy to Store: This shallow bowl is stackable, So it can very well save your kitchen space, Do not let your kitchen chaos, only neat and cleanBest Gift for Housewarming: Sweese pasta serving bowl with perfect wrapping, it will be the best gift you can give to your family, friends, and neighbors, Connecting you through Sweese. What a heartwarming gift it is

2024-05-16 00:49:15

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