해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
FJD Power Bank 7X Larger Capacity 140Ah/504Wh, 10X Faster 140W, Half-Size Smaller DC 500W Portable Power Station Pony 500 with GaN 140W PD Type-C, 500W XT-60, 0dB for Gaming Laptop Camping Home Work

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상품가격 $299.00
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7 Times Longer Lasting Than Other Laptop Power Banks —— PONY 500 features a 140000mAh capacity, while other laptop power bank only has 20000mAh, which means PONY 500 could charge 30 times for a phone(15Wh), or 6 times for a laptop(70Wh), or 22 times for drone(20Wh), or 30 times for camera(15Wh), and can achieves ultra-long standby full charge 7 times for gaming laptops(57Wh), meet a week of daily electronic product power supply.140W In&Out 10X Faster—— Up to 140 watts In&Out, making it 10X faster than traditional power banks. PONY 500 is equipped with 2 USB-A (18W), 3 Type-C (140W, 100W, 65W), and 2 XT60 interfaces, PONY 500 will charge MacBook to 50% in just 30 min with its 140W USB-C port, the perfect portable power bank for on-the-go.50% Smaller —— Weighing only 7 lbs, 1/2-size of other 500W power stations on the market, equivalent to the weight of two laptops, and the size of a lunch box. PONY 500 is a must-have for anyone seeking ultimate portability.0dB Ultra-Quiet Operation —— No need to worry about any noise distractions with PONY 500, operates at nearly 0 dB, let you fully immerse yourself in your work or game.Safe and Efficient —— PONY 500 comes with UPS functionality, ensures uninterrupted power supply even in harsh weather conditions. 48V DC is considered safer for the elderly and children compared to alternating current.Greener and More Efficient—— PONY 500 is equipped with a 100W GaN adapter with 4 output ports, including 2 Type-C ports and 2 USB-A ports. A 100cm long 100W Type-C cable ensures convenience in daily use. With the XT60 interface, you can connect it to FJD PV120 solar panels to convert solar energy into electrical energy for the PONY 500.A Great Gift—— PONY 500 Power Station features a stylish, sleek design with a slim aluminum alloy unibody and high-quality leather handles. Its metal shell design is scratch-resistant, making it the perfect gift choice and solution for power issues during travel and remote work.Easy as a Press —— PONY 500 power station just starts with pressing a button, making it simple and accessible for everyone, including the elderly and young ones.1.7X Higher Battery Energy Density —— The built-in NMC batteries of PONY 500 deliver superior endurance, lighter weight, and better performance in colder temperatures than LifePO4 batteries.What You Get —— With the FJD PONY 500, you\'ll receive a Type-C charging cable, 100W GaN power adapter, DC box, a 36month warranty, a user manual and and friendly customer service.

2024-02-13 13:41:09

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