해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Mini First Aid Kit, 100 Pieces Water-Resistant Hard Shell Small Case - Perfect for Travel, Outdoor, Home, Office, Camping, Hiking, Car (Red)

상품번호 B0C17MKP1S
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상품가격 $12.99
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FULLY PACKED ▶ Everything you need is in a small kit! Fully packed with 100 pieces useful and valuable hospital grade medical supplies, all kind of bandages, iodine pads, burn gel, PVC gloves, gauze pads, etc.CERTIFICATED ▶ All our products are with international certifications to ensure compliance with global standards wherever they are used. See product images or product descriptions below for contents list.HIGH QUALITY FIRST AID CASE ▶ 6.2" x 4.4" x 2.1" compact size, 0.53 lbs lightweight, the surface is made of premium waterproof eva material, the hardness of the case has been enhanced to make it more tough and durable. Premium double zippers and bonus carabiner increase convenience for outdoor activities. It has just the right size so it fits anywhere in your RV, atv, yacht, boat, jeep, bike or motorcycle.ALWAYS READY ▶ for your family and friends, go on hassle-free trips with this premium first aid kit! Perfect for home, office, camping, hiking, boating, car, sports, travel, road trips, workplace, school, etc.OUR COMMITMENT ▶ Our mission is to impress every customer with high quality products, and provide the best service to every customer. If you have any questions about our products, please contact us directly and trust that we will do it right.

2024-11-28 09:02:04

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