해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
2024 Universal Home/Office Keyboard/Interior Car Air Vent Auto Detailing Car Slime Cleaner Dust Cleaning Removal Gel Putty Jelly, Green

상품번호 B0C1C3WNQM
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상품가격 $8.88
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Product Description - Universal car cleaning gel, a auto interior cleaning putty with simple and convenient cleaning solution that will leave your car looking and feeling like new.Brilliant Performance - Come with [1] safe and natural cleaning gel jelly, is the perfect tool for getting into the vents and little crevices on the car interior to pick up debris, hair, crumbs, and more.Extraordinary Quality - The cleaning slime is constructed of high-tech cleaning material for eco-friendly and reusable, has a long-lasting performance life and can be used for several times until it turns dark.Great Function - It is also useful for cleaning home and office, including PC keyboard and other rugged surfaces such as printers, cell phones, calculators, TV remotes, and furniture. NOTE: The suitable surface should be waterproof.Easy to Storage - Need to put the cleaning gel back in the jar after using, and keep it in a cool place.

2024-05-17 02:42:11

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