해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Allewie Full Size Bed Frame with Adjustable Velvet Tiara Headboard, Upholstered Diamond Button Tufted Platform Bed, Wood Slats Support, No Box Spring Needed, Black

상품번호 B0C1FZFH7G
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상품가격 $119.99
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Elegant Design: The full bed frame with headboard is beautifully upholstered in a soft and luxurious velvet and features a tiara nailhead trim design, used Eco-friendly materials not only adds stylish and touch of glamour is perfect fit for any bedroom decor, from classic to contemporary.Adjustable Headboard: The bed frame full headboard can be adjusted from 44.9\'\' to 46.9\'\' giving you the flexibility to create the perfect sleeping environment for your needs.Sturdy & Durable Structure: Made with a sturdy high-quality metal frame and center support legs blend naturally into the sturdy frame to provide dense and strong support. Helping to prevent sagging and ensuring a longer lifespan for your mattress.No Box Spring Needed: With velcro wooden slats provide even easily assembled, also to prevent your mattress from slipping, provide reliable support for your mattress without the need for a box spring. Weight capacity: 800 Lbs.Quick & Easy Assembly: Made easy with clear instructions, each part labeled and all necessary hardware included, you can have this luxurious comfort full bed frame with headboard set up and ready to use in an hour.

2024-04-04 19:52:44

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