해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
3M Dual Lock SJ3550, 1 Adhesive Strip with Dual Lock, Snap Closure, Highly Adhesive Product for Auto, Dashcam, Go Pro, Telepass Holder, DIY - Black (1 inch x 6.56 feet)

상품번호 B0C1NFPB2J
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상품가격 $18.00
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FEATURE: The resealable Dual Lock SJ3550 fastening device is a convenient alternative to traditional fastening methods such as screws, nuts, or bolts. It is designed to provide a durable and resealable (can be opened and closed multiple times) fastening solution that bonds to a variety of substrates, including metals and plastics such as acrylics, polycarbonate, and ABS.HIGH QUALITY: The black mushroom-shaped interlocking heads provide a strong, reliable, and durable fastening that can be opened and closed repeatedly. The black, conformable acrylic foam tape adheres well to various surfaces, including metals and plastics like acrylics, polycarbonate, and ABS. The robust fastening device secures with an audible click, verifying the closure. It exhibits good resistance to high temperatures, UV rays, and atmospheric agents.This dual-lock mushroom closure SJ3550 uses an acrylic adhesive to bond to a range of high-energy surface materials, including some plastics, metals, glass, and lacquered surfaces. It allows for quick and easy installation without the need for mechanical assembly. After bonding, the interlocking mushroom stems can be secured, spiraled, and riveted but can be easily separated and accessible to fixed objects.At room temperature, approximately 50% of the maximum strength will be achieved after 20 minutes, 90% after 24 hours, and 100% after 72 hours. Spraying alcohol on the tape makes it easy to detach. Please clean the bonding surface and do not touch the adhesive layer before use.Original 3M product SJ3550, Technical datasheet link available in the description.
Features: High-strength adhesive, adheres perfectly to almost all surfaces, reusable up to 1000 times, excellent tear resistance, vibration-resistant joint, dampens noise and vibrations, solvent-resistant, suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Package Contents: 1m strip of 3M SJ3550, various possible joints. Areas of use: Reusable and removable fastening for indoor and outdoor environments, such as gaskets, covers, components, automotive sector, home, furniture, mechanical engineering, advertising material, toys, decorations. Important: Thoroughly clean the surface (without grease) before application. Reusable up to 1000 times. For almost invisible joints. Excellent adhesive power. UV and weather-resistant. Self-adhesive

2024-05-15 22:07:01

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