해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Upgraded Drop Foot Brace for Walking with Shoes - Dual Forefoot Support Plates Adjustable Soft AFO, Foot Drop, TBI, ALS, MS, Bone Fracture, Fits Women & Men (Beige Right, S/M)

상품번호 B0C1S47GGK
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상품가격 $39.99
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Upgrade Designed for Foot Drop- JOMECA foot drop brace (beige option) with exchangeable support plates of two different hardness provides an ongoing solution for foot drop relief, afo foot drop brace increases ankle-foot stability for improved mobility, helps maintain a natural angle when walking, developing a natural gait. Drop foot brace for drop foot caused by nerve injury, muscle nerve disorders, brain, spinal cord disorders.Pro Hysiotherapist Recommended-Customize arch compression drop foot brace, snug fit adjust foot varus and valgus, effectively improve lower limb balance. Foot drop brace with support plate surface is designed with muscle massage spots, relieve foot fatigue and anti-slip when walking. Cross fixed straps cross on both sides of the forefoot to form a stable triangular structure bring ultra sense of support.Ultimate Wearing Experience- JOMECA Drop foot brace-adapt to the whole rehabilitation process, adjusted according to the degree of individual foot drop condition, not set in tone. Made of embossed fabric, better snug fit foot, great wrapping feeling. A drop foot brace suitable for wearing in most shoes, it is recommended to wear it with sneakers and the shoelaces are slightly loose.User-Defined Wearing-Innovative JOEMCA foot drop brace for walking with shoes design with replaceable support, timely adjustments for continuous improvement in walking ability. Before putting on this afo foot drop brace, choose the hardness you need, and then stick it with Velcro, it\'s that easy.24/7 at Your Service- JOMECA foot drop brace beige option with exchangeable two hardness forefoot support plate provide different support, extra foot lift force. Try this beige drop foot brace indefinitely and get a full refund anytime if you\'re not satisfied in any way.

2024-05-16 23:51:43

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