해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Heating Pad for Neck and Shoulder Pain Relief, Valentines Day Gifts for Her Women Mom Men Him, Weighted Heating Pad for Back 6 Heat Settings Auto Shut Off, Anniversary Birthday Gifts, 17x23inch, Blue

상품번호 B0C1SM5V6Z
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상품가격 $39.99
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Marvelous Comfort with Tender Fit: Do you always sitting before a computer or laptop for long time? Do you always keep your head down and use electronics? A well-designed heating pad for neck and shoulder gives you cozy warmth quickly! Body adapted 2lb and 23"x17" one-fits-most size creates a better feeling of shoulder and neck wrapping. Idea gifts for mom dad wife husband, relaxing gifts for women and menTruly Feel the Warmth with the Right Heat: Our neck heating pad provides a larger heating area with the upper back, shoulders and neck. Choose multi-level heating settings from 1-Warm to 6-Hot to meet mild relaxing demands. Mothers day gifts for mom, fathers day gifts for dad from daughter sonSimple Control by Raised Key and Blacklight: The big digital backlit display controller of heating pads with raised setting keys, make it easier for aged grandma and grandpa to find the controller and discern settings. Four timer options of 30/60/90/120min, the Max 2 hours countdown auto shut off, regulating your heating time moderately while allowing fully enjoy the comfort bring by the shoulder heating pad. Perfect gifts for him or herYour Neck and Shoulder Deserve Cozy Relaxation: The heating pad is suitable for various people to enjoy relaxing from daily tired work, such as the elderly, office staff, drivers, painters, gaming players and instrument players. The heating pads are also well suited for different occasions using, like watching home night movies, working from home and meditation and gifts for various holidays like Christmas stocking stuffers for adults, valentines day gifts for her and himReversible Wearing and Machine Washing Make Easier: Using high-end fluff fabric with skin-friendly features, improving the soft feeling during use. Double-sided button make a better fix. Just put the heat pad in the washing machine to clean, and leave time for wonderful things. If you are looking for warm and creative gift ideas such as mothers day gifts, fathers day gifts, birthday gifts, anniversary gifts, Christmas gifts, stocking stuffers. This heating pad for neck and shoulder is just the way to go

2025-02-05 01:01:55

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