해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Anykit Digital Otoscope with Gyroscope, 4.5 Inches Screen, 3.9mm Ear Scope Camera with 6 Lights, Ear Wax Removal Tool, 32GB Card, Supports Photo Snap and Video Recording

상품번호 B0C27B6QDD
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상품가격 89.99
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Never feel like your ears are clean enough? Want to see what\'s happening inside your ears? Anykit otoscope is the solution for you. Check and keep track of your ear health with ease.Visual Ear Wax Removal Camera - Quick, affordable, and effective, Anykit digital otoscope is the ultimate solution for earwax build-up, itchy ears, and at-home ear examinations. It provides the safest and most effective tool for your ear care needs.Get your Directions- Equipped with an intelligent directional gyroscope, the otoscope detects changes in orientation and rotation, ensuring a stable image and clear view of the ear canal and eardrum.Save Your Time & Money - Capture images and videos of your ear with ease, allowing you to quickly and conveniently send them to your doctor for professional consultation without the need for an appointment or in-person visit.APP-Free Otoscope - View a stable live image of your inner ear directly on the 4.5" HD screen without the need for any additional apps or concerns about potential issues with your cellphone. This otoscope is ready to use right out of the box.Safe & Effective Wax Removal Tool- The otoscope is designed with specula and an adjustable protection cover to ensure safety. The soft silicone earpicks provide a comfortable and safe experience for earwax removal.Better Lighting for Better Images - 6 adjustable LED Lights with 3-level brightness for better and more realistic images.Package Content - 4.5 inch Monitor, 3.9mm Camera Probe, Detachable Bracket, User Manual, 3x Specula, 4x Ear Spoons, 2x Protective Covers, USB charging cable (charger NOT included)Warning! DO NOT USE this product if you have any existing ear, mouth, nose problems or diseases. PLEASE USE the earcap if you use this product in ear canal.Warning! THIS IS NOT A TOY, keep the product away from children under 12 years old.

2024-06-07 13:12:16

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